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New brand for PT and nutritionist launching an innovative app-based start-up

When Amanda Christensen wanted to improve her business by providing her clients with accountability and motivation through a mobile app, we helped her establish an innovative brand.


Infinity 8 Fitness 

From the depths of a pandemic, we’ve been inspired by early-adopter businesses that innovate and inspire in areas that are now seen as the norm.

Infinity 8 Fitness is a great 90-day coaching programme that allows clients to take control of their nutrition and exercise routines, all built into an app. The brief from director and founder Amanda Christensen was to position the business as a personal trainer, providing the support and accountability you expect from a face-to-face coach, with the added benefits of a thriving online community.

One of the cornerstones of Cross Origin’s approach is to meet with the client and discuss their business and ideas in great detail. We explore brand, identity, future-proofing, expansion plans –immersing ourselves in each client’s work so that we can provide thorough advice from a position of knowledge.

After discussing Amanda’s ambitions for the business, we knew that Infinity 8 needed its own brand, with a distinct style and character to set it apart from competitors and allow for future scalability. Then it was time for us to go to town and let our imagination run wild!

As an owner you want to see your ideas come to life, so we involved Amanda with the colour selection and worked up a symmetrical logo with the “8” symbol at the heart.