For A BetterBio Tomorrow

Betterbio Health

Betterbio Health

The challenge

To create a trustworthy brand to launch a new health product to market.

The approach

Cross Origin was approached to help a company develop its products and spread a wider message around better health and wellbeing.

The how’s, why’s, and wherefores are the first things to consider when researching a new brand. Looking at the wins and pain points of BetterBio’s existing market presence helped develop the brand strategy. Once a new internal brand was established, the next stage was to express that identity verbally and visually.


The outcome

“My current client base was so niche that I needed a way to educate and appeal to a wider audience. Cross Origin helped me understand a customer’s route to purchase and how we can influence that. The strategy behind their visual approach made sense, I found their approach was backed by solid research and insight, combine that with great creative and you have a winning formula.

“Cross Origin took my brand to the next level, with a new name and approach that is fresh, imaginative and clever.”

Enzo Schifano – Director

Market Research / Brand Naming / Brand Strategy / Visual Brand Expression / Website Design & Development / Packaging Design / Social Media Campaigns / SEO / Advertising / POS

Train better
betterbio website

For a Betterbio Tomorrow

Betterbio Liquid

“Cross Origin took my brand to the next level, with a new name and approach that is fresh, imaginative and clever”