Our Partners In Maritime Services



The Challenge

When Galbraiths joined forces with Ifchor they had their fair share of hurdles to clear. They needed to establish themselves as a formidable presence in the shipbroking services industry while simultaneously nurturing the loyalty and dedication of their valued employees. XO played a pivotal role, collaborating closely with the management team, and employing design sprints to navigate the path toward the ideal identity. Acting as trusted partners, XO engaged with key stakeholders to seamlessly integrate the new brand throughout the entire organisation.

The Approach

Once an agreed approach was decided, XO helped IG hone a brand strategy and value proposition that would further influence messaging pillars that form the basis of the website. Working closely with an internal marketing team, XO went to town on the visual brand, tieing it all together with a concept that communicated their values.

Project Scope

Naming / Brand Research / Brand Strategy / Visual Concepts / Brand Identity / Print Design / Motion Graphics & Editing / Website Design & Development

Ifchor Galbraiths
IG Gas Team

The Outcome

A strong sense of unity is encapsulated by the solid circle. Typeface selections and colour palettes, taken from the heritage of both companies, create familiarity. The development of a unified visual language takes inspiration from the motion of a radar integrated into bespoke photography and filming across all 19 global offices. This all provides a framework supporting a wide array of applications, including reports, presentations, research documents, and marketing communications. This ensures brand consistently stands out across various platforms, truly capturing the spirit of the organisation.

Research Image

IFCHOR GALBRAITHS is a dynamic, global, competitive shipbroking network

mobile mockup

“We’d like to extend a special thank you to our partners, Cross Origin, for their invaluable assistance in bringing this website to life”